In 1905, Ralph Lloyd arrived in Portland with a vision and dream —to create a thriving neighborhood where businesses and residents seamlessly entwined. Today, that dream lives on as the city's commerce and culture work together to build one of the most desirable and innovatively sustainable urban neighborhoods in the nation.
Diverse businesses, restaurants, entertainment, and housing bring together the best parts of what makes Portland unique. And with over 12,000 bike racks, easy access to mass transit, and sustainable redevelopment initiatives, Lloyd Neighborhood is committed to celebrating its environment and reducing its carbon footprint.
Working together to build a neighborhood defined by the rich experiences and values of its inhabitants, the spirit and vision of Ralph Lloyd continues and a jewel in the heart of the city is created.
A legacy of innovation. A commitment to sustainability. A skyline that defines a city. This is Lloyd.
The Lloyd Enhanced Services District (ESD) was established in 2001 to encourage growth and ensure the continued health and development of, and pride in, the Lloyd neighborhood by making it a better place to live, work, and visit. Lloyd ESD core programs are supported by a property management license fee and focus on public safety, transportation access, sustainability, economic development, and neighborhood advocacy.
The transportation program is led by Go Lloyd, which provides an array of transportation programs and services to neighborhood businesses, employees, and residents.
The Lloyd EcoDistrict works with neighborhood stakeholders to support prosperity, environmental quality, and social welfare. The EcoDistrict prioritizes projects and programs that address water, energy, waste, and education.
The Lloyd ESD is overseen by a board made up of area property owners/managers and has no paid staff. If you have any questions about the Lloyd ESD contact Go Lloyd.
Setting the standard
A part of building a vibrant and recognized Lloyd neighborhood is ensuring that we always present the Lloyd brand in a consistent way. We have developed a tool kit which provides guidance on the Lloyd logo usage, our colors and other brand assets.
We care about our brand, and the toolkit will promote a consistent use. This makes it easier for people to instantly recognize the Lloyd brand and gets our message out.
Lloyd Logo
1. Use only the official Lloyd logo, available for download here.
2. Maintain proportions and keep a clear space around the logo.
3. There are several variations for different applications. See the toolkit for further information.
Lloyd Colors
As a brand, Lloyd has selected three colors to represent the neighborhood.
These colors can be used to coordinate with the brand, highlight or bring attention to promotional pieces within the neighborhood, and create an overall strong and consistent look for all communication pieces relating to Lloyd
For more specific information, download the Lloyd Brand Toolkit ▶
Lloyd Gallery
A selection of photos for editorial or commercial use, promoting the Lloyd neighborhood in your promotional materials. All are approved and license-free for your use.
Contact Us
We'd love to talk with you.